Register for the 2013 Summer Program!

February 11, 2013

The 2013 Summer Program at Muckykids Art Studio is now open for registration! This year, I’m very excited to offer two separate sections of our summer workshops: our usual 9:00 a.m. to noon section for 7 – 9 year olds, and a new 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm section for 5 – 6 year olds!

The Summer Program is a drop-off program that offers kids a unique opportunity to indulge, explore, and expand their love of art and craft. For three mornings or afternoons a week over 5 summer weeks in July and August, kids can participate in intensive, hands-on art workshops diving into a variety of weekly themes.

  • Paper Craft (July 8 – 10): spirelli, origami, garlands, quilling, paper pets…
  • Jewelry (July 15 – 17): made from buttons, straws, shrinky dinks, laminated paper…
  • Papier Mache (July 22 – 24): enter a world of sculpture…
  • Printmaking (July 29 – 31): stencils, carved rubber blocks, monoprints…
  • Bookmaking (Aug 5 – 7): cloth books, collaged/re-purposed books, sewn bindings…

Come join a small group 3 mornings or afternoon a week in July and August, stay cool and create unique pieces of art. The instruction is focused, but plenty of room is left for emergent ideas and open-ended exploration. Learn more and register at the 2013 Summer Program page!

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