Drop-In Studio activities for October 29 – 31: This week we continue our Halloween crafting… At the back tables there are all sorts of goodies for making paper plate masks, including bells for an additional flair! At one of the front tables, turn a box into a trick-or-treat bag. We have reflective sticker strips for an added safety feature. ☺ Halloween-themed gluing is set up; there is white as well as dark purple glue, plus lots of glitter and other craft supplies for a festive glue collage. Pumpkins are on the shiny bench for drawing onto and erasing with damp sponges. Decorate stickers with Halloween stamps (can be used to decorate the bags). At the paint table watercolor pallets are set up along side pastels for a relaxing mixed media experience. Brushes and tempera paint are at the easel wall. Goop and spiders are at the sensory table.
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