Drop-In Studio activities for March 7 – 9: Hey! It’s Muckykids’ birthday!! On Friday the studio will be 3! Our annual birthday activity is quilting. Come in and arrange pieces of fusible fabric and we’ll iron them on for you. We are initiating a new tradition, too: a collaborative wall piece, using ‘texture tokens’. The tokens are made by pressing Model Magic in to textured objects and then colored with markers. The marker can then be brushed with water for an additional effect. My hope is that each person who enters the studio this week (young and old!) will make a token for the studio. Once dried, the tokens will be added to the wall piece – a mosaic, of sorts. From last week, we will continue with our Andy Goldsworthy inspired rock arrangements. Make a hanging sculpture using various types of wire, washers, beads, and more. These sculptures make lovely sounds when shaken. We will also have play dough, easel painting with jumbo brushes, oil pastels on black paper, magnet play, and painting mini-masterpieces with warm colors.
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